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This 'Campus' is designed primarily for my Degree and Masters students at UHA Mulhouse, IUT Colmar and DH Lörrach.

[Actually the campus graphic, left, was from my first ever learning and teaching website from the mid-1990s which sought to represent a physical campus]


The key resource for each Unit I teach will be the 'Teaching Schedule' which will programme, week-by-week, the lecture topics, seminar and workshop activities that we will be undertaking together. It will also identify critical submission dates for such things as assignments. From the Teaching Schedule, you will be directed to other materials which may include:

  • the Unit Specification
  • reading lists
  • my lecture materials (Powerpoints, Word, Excel and Adobe Acrobat files, for instance)
  • assignment specifications and timetables
  • external links to online and other resources

The intention is that you will never lack information as to where we are supposed to be, when we are going to meet, what we will be doing and what I may expect you to be bringing with you.

Even if I put lecture materials on my site – please note that these are NO SUBSTITUTE for actually being in class.  My Powerpoints, for example, only provide headline structures so that you can see where I am going and I can remember what comes next…. the REAL content is in my head and in the interactions between us, so please COME to class.  Revising from Powerpoints and odd Word files will not produce much understanding if you do not actually attend.

Please DO keep an eye on this site, it is not static – I will be putting up changes, reminders and new materials as we go.

Now if you really want the low-down on me and my career and background: here it is!
