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Tourism Macroeconomics:

macroecon An Introduction

Tutor:      Tony Jolley My email: My website Foreword: The words ‘economics’ and ‘macro’, especially when run together as ‘Macro-economics’ seem to frighten the hell out of most students …..  and in that group I can happily include myself: Macroeconomics was most emphatically not my favourite subject at university: not by a long chalk (i.e. not by far)! This was because I thought it was all about numbers and formulae and my Maths was probably not strong enough to cope with it.   I have now understood something, after all these: it is not so much about being able to manipulate huge numbers but rather about understanding HOW and WHY we make the decisions we do at an individual level first and foremost – if we can do that (starting with ourselves) then all we have to do is simply add up similar decisions made by people like us and we have a big picture before our very eyes.   That, in essence, is macroeconomics: understanding why we do what we do, choose what we choose and then adding up the sum of all these choices.   That is it in a nutshell – the odd bits of Mathematics can come later and because you understand the heart of the matter, you will (I promise) understand the little maths we do. So, as Lance-Corporal Jones, famous character in the British Comedy series ‘Dad’s Army’ became famous for saying:

‘Don’t Panic!!!!!’


  • tutor background
  • ‘housekeeping’ issues
  • Unit Specification
  • Teaching Schedule
  • Assessment
  • Exercises
  • Feedback

The Unit Specification: the technical detail of the unit:

The Teaching Schedule

Assignment…. to be done working in groups of between three (or four if necessary).

Date for Submission:  TBA
