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TOEIC Pt7: Articles and Nuances

This is the end of the road: it gets more difficult here: you have quite a lot to read and are asked questions of degree and nuance – it is very subtle indeed and can take you quite a while …. unless you know some of the 'tricks of the trade': see Tony's TOEIC Tips…

This section I consider to be the hardest by far, and the most time-consuming.  It involves an understanding of not just language but of documentation.  Again, we will be going through this in all sorts of exercises in class, in 'TOEIC Blancs', and you can prepare yourself through lots of online exercises using the websites already identified.

And why the photo???  It's Agamemmnon's Lyon gate at Mycenae… And what were the people of the Bronze Age supposed to 'read into' it?  Only that here is the centre of a Power to be feared, respected and obeyed….