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T1 The Business of Business Debate

Milton Friedman the famous, Nobel prize-wiinning economist once wrote the chilling or telling words:


i.e. he was stating quite strongly that business: the commercial world of making profit for the shareholders, was the only rationale and duty of business: it was not in any way the duty of business to 'care' beyond compliance with the law.

We are going to debate this issue: it is an extreme view, yes, but then some will say that it is typical and not unreasonable …. they may even say that course on socially and responsible business are anachrnonistic and impossible.

So we need:

  • Two people to 'chair the debate'
  • Two equal teams : one in support of Friedman and one against.
  • Each team will need a leader who will introduce the team's case and someone who will conclude and summarise the team's case.

To Do:

  • each team brainstorm their initial ideas/arguments
  • each team undertake research on both 'sides' to provide evidence in support of the one case and to oppose the other
  • prepare your arguments such that everyone has something significant to say

The debate should take 30 minutes…. the discussion afterwards perhaps very much longer!!!