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c.Immersion: ‘Eng-things’

2012/2013 Second Year TOEIC record

Last year, the TOEIC exam pass rate of the second year Werner students was almost exactly 50%.  Those failing had markes ranging from the top 300s to 750.

I made the point of speaking with a number of the students who ‘didn’t make the cut’ (common golfing term for not getting through to the final round of the tournament). Most said this or something like it:

  • I didn’t really try if I were to be honest with you
  • I only did the minimum to pass the homework at 10+ – I wasn’t really consciosly trying to improve myself and my English capability
  • I focused too much on my Engineering subjects at the expense of my English, because that is where my interest lies: now I’m panicing
  • I didn’t take attendance seriously
  • I didn’t use the online TOEIC testing sites you urged us to use regularly
  • I thought I could ‘wing’ the exam (i.e. do it ‘on a wing and a prayer’ = trust to luck) – and I was proved wrong.
  • I didn’t actively participate nearly as much as I could and should have done in class. There was opportunity but I didn’t really take it.

I applaud their honesty…. but I’d rather have been applauding their success to be honest.

So, don’t listen to me – listen to your fore-running colleagues. Their lesson and message to you is:

  1. be serious about attending and participating
  2. don’t aim at the minimum, rather at the maximum: fall a little short and if you are targetting the maximum you should still pass.
  3. Use the online TOEIC test sites regularly…. not just to get 80%+ right, but also to learn from your errors so that you don’t make them again! « Making a mistake is not a crime… not learning from your mistakes is the crime » AND « The man who never makde a mistake – he never made anything! » (JOLLEY, S  2007)
  4. Use the opportunities that are open to you and easily accessible on campus / online to immerse yourself in an all-English environment.   Which brings us nicely to our next task…. see hereunder!


Review = describe, analyse, evaluate and draw conclusions and recommendations.   The key is: just what value can these sites provide you with in terms of improving your English?

TASK.  Review (one person per subject/site on the list below – no duplications please) one of the following items and produce a written review (in English in a digital format on a USB key with a hard copy for me).  One full page 12pt. The digital version we will put on Google docs or on a Wix website so all the group can access your findings and follow up all the things you rate as being excellent in the aim of learning English.  You must also be prepared to present your findings to the rest of the group.  Please note: reading is NOT presenting!!  If you know something you should be able to tell people about it in an engaging matter rather than read AT them!


  1. and and Which is best?
  2. BBC News online,
  3. BBC Radio4 Today Programme: daily news
  4. BBC Radio 4 all programmes.
  5. BBC iPlayer
  6. BBC Future:
  7. BBC Sport:
  8. BBC Technology:
  9. BBC Science:
  10. BBC Science and Environment:
  11. BBC Business:
  12. Youtube MegaStructures channel
  13. English Song Lyrics: and
  14. NovaTris. Consider this service: could it be of value to you? Speak/email them and see: 03 89 33 61 32
  15. CLAM… register and make time to go: road test it – what is it like, how might it help?
  16. TOEIC tests and exercise books in the Library
  17. FLSH English Club and ‘Friday Noon’. Attend them / interview the organisers: how can they help?  The club meets on the FLSH mezzanine 1130-1430 each day (look for the food and drink and ask for Brian Henderson). Friday Noon events are scheduled to start 27/9.
  18. Short breaks: London: Astor Hostels.… Is this a good base for exploring London?


GROUP follow up: Create architecture for a Google Docs/ Wix collocation of the digital work… all in English