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Simulation 1. Taking Stock (SWOT)

stock Take stock…. stock-take….?

Where ARE we?

Just how well are we performing?

Before we can rush off into operational matters (the minutiae) and even into the strategic (the big picture of where we are going), we need to have a clear sense of where we are now.

Your task is in three parts:

1. To establish the company’s performance based upon its history – its recorded performance figures. (i.e. its Strengths and Weaknesses)

2. To determine ColmarCo’s present position [division by division) given La Crise (considering the evident Opportunities and Threats arising from the business environment).  [This also requires your knowledge and understanding of current events in ‘La Crise’  – for example, a recent report on Travelmole suggests that 50% of the British who habitually go on holiday are going to break this habit in 2010 or spend significantly less… now if that sort of thing is mirrored across Europe…….???].

3. T consider what actions should be taken in the immediate / short term to address ColmarCo’s Strengths and Weaknesses in the context of the evident opportunities and threats.

To address these tasks you will need to refer to the ColmarCo Company Profile:

In relation to task part 2, it will help you to reflect upon some things you have seen before:-

My Blending the Business Model

blending the business


Michael Porter’s Five Forces
