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Video Mini-Lectures: Research and Reports


Mmmm Yes….

Research does take some thinking about!


Here I am offering you a series of video mini- lectures (10 to 20 minutes each one) to help you move from A to Z, from your initial idea and selection of a title right through to conclusions and recommendations (and then on to the viva-voce/soutenance).  We may well have covered some of this in class, but I thought it might be helpful to break it all down, stage by stage for you chronologically, so that when you are in employment or internship you can reflect whenever you want upon:

  • what you have done,
  • where you are ……………………..and
  • where you are headed

so you know exactly what should come next: a series of ‘stepping stones‘, if you like.

I hope this serves you as a sort of ‘compass‘ so you won’t lose your way in your own research project.

I also hope this might help my teaching colleagues / placement tutors / ‘Profs Réfs’ in advising you and avoiding repetitive, student-by-student coverage of exactly the same advice.

So, without further ado, here are the links to the video mini-lectures:-


Research Introduced: the what, the why and the how

Gathering ideas:

Title and A&O and why they are of critical importance

Measurement and its significance

Introduction  – setting it all up ‘right‘:

Literature Review/ Secondary Research and the ‘Research Gap:

Primary Research Methodology

Questionnaires & Interviews:

Data Presentation, Interpretation, Analysis, Evaluation and synthesis

Drawing Conclusions

Making Recommendations

Final Check & Submission:


The following two videos are ‘tuned‘ somewhat to the MICAI M2 Livret / Handbook … if you are not on this course, make sure you check out your own course handbook and that you deliver according to its specific requirements.  The general advice should, however, hold true no matter what programme you are on.


Submission and assessment of the Placement Report

Delivering your  Soutenance / ‘viva-voce’

You may also want to look at other links under this ‘Stagiaires’ tab  – the articles are all there to help you: whether written by me or by former students who have been recognised for placement report-writing excellence (who have been kind enough to offer some of their work and their advice to give you and idea of where the ‘Gold Standard‘ lies).


I most sincerely hope that this series of mini-videos helps you always to ‘situate‘ yourself at whatever stage of the process you happen to be with a clear idea of the next step to take!

From deep in my short-trousered, Sunday School subconscious memory comes a line: « My people perish for lack of vision »…. I might well ‘transpose‘ that into report-writing terms as « If you don’t know exactly where you are heading – you are very unlikely to get there! »   Hopefully, by following the spirit of these videos, your vision will be the clearer and you will have more chance of arriving at your intended destination!

…..    SO   …..

Good luck to each and every one of you!

But remember… working hard usually produces the ‘luck‘ we deserve!