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Tony Jolley 07/7/2022



Yesterday I found myself [unexpectedly]

Writing about sand.


[Even more unexpectedly,

After yesterday]

I’m going to be doing it again!

What is sand?

Silicon Dioxide.

What are computer Chips made of?


What is a mirror?

Glass made from Silicon Dioxide

[OK…with a simple sheen of Silver Nitrate

On one side].

Makes one think…doesn’t it?…

Then it came to me:

Given the above, what if mirrors,

Being made of that same Silicon,

Are, in fact,

Chips that record & store

Every photon of light

That ever touches their surface:

Reflecting computers – ready to recall,

Recall All,

Recall all at a moment’s notice?

Not altogether too sure

That I’ll ever feel confident

In the future

Of taking a look at myself

Knowing I’m being

Committed to Silicon

And surreptitiously salted away!

That said…

As time passes,

I guess I’d be happier

Seeing a recorded reflection

Beaming back at me…

Less of a belly.

More of a head of hair…

I could go on, but you know,

I know you do:

You’re there.

But …

What if the mirror were to send

A reflection of someone else

From its memory bank

Instead of me

When I’m standing in front of it?


How might I feel then…………….?


Photo.  How many silicon chips in a modern car’s control systems…?

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