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Negative Scenescence, Anyone?

Negative Scenescence, Anyone?

dsc_0017Negative Scenescence Anyone?

Tony Jolley 10/08/2022    


Cause of Death.

We’re all used to that phrase –

Almost inoculated against it

From thousands of detective novels

And forensic medicine programmes.

But what exactly IS ‘death’?

At one level, of course,

It’s the total absence of life:

Its discontinuation:

Its ‘cul de sac

Its very ‘dead’ end.


But what is death for?

What purpose might it serve?

Indeed, do we have to die….?


Some scientists speak of ‘Scenescence’:

The ‘Force of Natural Selection’

Weakening to the point at which

Life can’t continue to sustain itself

Beyond the urge to reproduce.


Does Gravity naturally ‘weaken’ over time?

No, it obeys fundamental laws: is immutable.


Does the speed of light lessen

With time or distance?

Clearly not.


So why should this supposed

‘Force of Natural Selection’ weaken?


Is scenescence, then, nothing more

Than a theoretical ‘mise-en-scene’

The best explanation we can find

Until something better comes along?


But hang on!

There could be evidence of an upside:

So-called Negative Scenescence,

Whereby one might become

More successful with age

[Yes, but first define ‘success’]!

Predictably, for those of my age,

Evidence for this remains discouragingly ‘sketchy’.

Then there is the Hydra.

Cut off a bit

And it grows another entire body

And lives another entire life.

Wonder whether we can unravel

The potential that might lie there…



NB. The photo is of a bust of Mahsati Gandjavi – a renowned Persian poetess – who ‘lives‘ hundreds of years after her time through her poetic output…

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